The Hydrovac store is a CANADIAN family-owned and operated industrial hose and fittings distribution company.  Actually, we're two families...the Faultless's and the Williams's.  When you place an order at the Hydrovac Store, these are the people that made it happen.


This is Steve Faultless.  He's the owner of this webstore and it's his name on the door.  Steve has been in the hose business for over 40 years and he uses his expertise to source the latest, most innovative and durable products in the business and then passes these products onto you. He  is always looking for the newest innovation that will save you money, shorten time on the job or keep you and your team safer.  The tougher the job, the happier he gets.
Dion Williams is Steve's right hand.  He's the General Manager of both Faultless Solutions and the Hydrovac Store - he oversee all operations.  Dion has been in the industrial hose and fitting business for almost forty years now and these two have worked together since then.  His expertise in this industry ensures you're getting the best hose, part or fitting for the application required.  If you're speaking with Dion, you're speaking with the best.  
 This is Brian Williams, Dion's brother.  He manages everything that happens in the warehouse.  Brian has over 25 years of industrial hose and fittings experience and no one knows more about the proper way of crimping, welding and coupling hose.  Nothing leaves our warehouse without passing through Brian's hands and eyes, so you can feel confident your product is free of defect and safe to use.
Bruce Williams is Brian's son.  He manages all aspects of our social marketing, designs all our promotional material, produces our hose test certificates, manages our inventory and coordinates all our shipping.  If that sounds like a lot, it is, and somehow Bruce makes it look easy.   Bruce Williams , and somehow Bruce makes it look easy.  
Karina Jensen (MES) is our CFO and Controller.  With a graduate degree in Environmental Studies and a background in Event Management and Marketing, she oversees all aspects of the business and supports Steve in building the business and keeping things moving.  Her long list of duties has demonstrated she can do anything and everyone that meets her agrees, Steve's lucky to be married to her.
This is Kurt MellishHe coordinates our trucks, processes sales orders, manages our drivers and is an all around jack of all trades.  Kurt has done almost every job so if you need anything or can't find a part, he's your guy.  He is fast becoming our hydraulic specialist and is the smiling face you'll meet when you walk through our doors.  Everyone loves Kurt and if you speak with him, you'll quickly see why.    
 While Prabhpreet Kaur is not technically family, she cares for everyone as a true matriarch.  She has been employed in the hose and fitting sector for twenty years managing both receivables and payables.  Her most valuable asset...she keeps all our paperwork in order and that's not easy.  If you're ever in need of any information she should be your first call.