Standard Chemical Service Uni-CHEM® PG, PS, SG and SS Composite hoses specifically designed for in-plant liquid transfer operations as well as tank truck delivery and rail car loading.
Constructed with multiple plies of polypropylene films and polyester vapour barrier. Rated for full vacuum. Uni-CHEM® PG, PS P-Polypropylene Coated Steel Inner Helix. G-High Tensile Galvanized Carbon Steel Outer Helix. S-316L Stainless Steel Outer Helix. Uni-CHEM® SG, SS S-316L Stainless Steel Inner Helix. G-High Tensile Galvanized Carbon Steel Outer Helix. S-316L Stainless Steel Outer Helix. Operating Temperature: -40ºC to +80ºC.
Standard Cover Colour: Grey Uni-CHEM® Composite hoses by Novaflex® manufactured in compliance with BS 5842.
All Uni-CHEM® hose styles are constructed to marine specifications in accordance with US coast guard spec 154.500 and IMO regulations. Available with EN 13765 compliant construction.
Uni-chem Brochure
Composite Hose Resistance Chart